ATT | ATTDEF | Opens attribute definition dialogue box |
ATTEDIT | ATTEDIT | Edit attribute values for a specific block |
B | BLOCK | Opens block dialogue box in order to make a block |
BATTMAN | BATTMAN | Opens block attribute manager |
BATTORDER | BATTORDER | Displays attribute order dialogue box |
BC | BCLOSE | Closes the block editor |
BCOUNT | BCOUNT | Counts the blocks in a drawing |
BE | BEDIT | Opens the edit block definition dialogue box |
EATTEXT | EATTEXT | Enhanced attribute extraction wizard to count blocks |
GATTE | GATTE | Global attribute edit of multiple blocks |
I | INSERT | Opens insert dialogue to insert a block |
-I | INSERT | Insert a block by name |
MINSERT | MINSERT | Insert block in rectangular array |
REFEDIT | REFEDIT | Edit a block reference in place |
REN | RENAME | Opens rename dialogue box to rename blocks, layers, etc |
W | WBLOCK | Write a block - for use in other drawings |
XLIST | XLIST | Lists type/block name/layer name/color/linetype of a |
A | ARC | Draw an arc |
AL | ALIGN | Align an object with another |
AP | APPLOAD | Opens application load dialogue box |
AR | ARRAY | Opens array dialogue box |
AUDIT | AUDIT | Audit drawing for errors |
AV | DSVIEWER | Opens ariel view of drawing |
B | BLOCK | Opens block dialogue box |
C | CIRCLE | Draw a circle |
CO | COPY | Copy an object |
CHA | CHAMFER | Chamfer between 2 non-parallel lines |
COL | COLOR | Opens select color dialogue box |
| Opens customise user interface dialogue |
D | DIMSTYLE | Opens dimstyle manager |
DC | ADCENTER | Opens designcenter |
DI | DIST | Check a distance |
DIV | DIVIDE | Inserts point node a set division |
DO | DONUT | Draw a solid donut shape |
DV | DVIEW | Perspective view |
E | ERASE | Erase a selection |
EX | EXTEND | Extend a selection |
F | FILLET | Draw an arc between 2 intersecting lines |
FI | FILTER | Opens filter dialogue box |
FLATTEN | FLATTEN | Converts 3D to 2D |
G | GROUP | Launches the group dialogue box |
H | HATCH | Opens hatch and gradient dialogue box |
I | INSERT | Insert a block |
IM | IMAGE | Launches image manager |
J | JOIN | Joins 2 objects to form single object |
JPGOUT | JPGOUT | Creates a JPEG file of current drawing |
L | LINE | Draw a line |
LA | LAYER | Opens layer manager |
LE | QLEADER | Draw a leader line (may need to adjust settings) |
LEAD | LEADER | Leader line with annotation |
LI or LS | LIST | Display information about objects in a text window |
LO | -LAYOUT | Creates a new layout tab |
LTS | LTScale | Change the linetype scale |
M | MOVE | Move a selection |
MA | MATCHPROPERTIES | Match properties of an object |
ME | MEASURE | Inserts point node at input distance |
O | OFFSET | Offset a selection |
OP | OPTIONS | Launches options dialogue box |
P | PAN | Pan in drawing |
PE | POLYEDIT | Edit a polyline |
PL | PLINE | Draw a polyline |
PLOT | PLOT | Opens plot/print dialogue box |
PO | POINT | Point marker or node - DDPTYPE to change pointstyle |
PR | PROPERTIES | Opens properties dialogue box |
PRE | PREVIEW | Preview a plot |
PU | PURGE | Opens purge dialogue box to remove unused elements |
RE | REGEN | Regenerate the display |
REC | RECTANG | Draw a rectangle |
REN | RENAME | Opens rename dialogue box to rename blocks, layers, etc |
RO | ROTATE | Rotate a selection |
SP | SPELL | Spell check a selection - ALL to check entire drawing |
T | MTEXT | Insert multiline text |
TB | TABLE | Opens insert a table dialogue box |
TP | TOOLPALETTES | Displays toolpalette |
TR | TRIM | Trim a selection |
U | UNDO | Undo last command |
UN | UNITS | Opens units dialogue box |
V | VIEW | Opens view dialogue box |
W | WBLOCK | Write a block |
WHOHAS | WHOHAS | Displays who has a drawing open |
X | EXPLODE | Explode a selection |
XR | XREF | Opens x-reference manager |
Z | ZOOM | Zoom in display - A=All, E=EXTENTS, W=WINDOW |
CTRL+0 | CLEANSCREEN | Turns user interface elements on/off |
CTRL+1 | PROPERTIES | Turns properties on/off |
CTRL+2 | ADCENTER | Turns design center on/off |
CTRL+3 | TOOLPALETTES | Turns tool palettes window on/off |
CTRL+8 | QUICKCALC | Launches calculator window |
| Select all |
CTRL+C | COPYCLIP | Copies objects to clipboard |
| Turns a group on or off |
| Repeats last command |
CTRL+N | NEW | Opens create new drawing dialogue box |
CTRL+O | OPEN | Opens the select file dialogue box |
CTRL+P | PLOT | Opens the plot dialogue box |
CTRL+R | CVPORT | Switches between viewports |
CTRL+S | QSAVE | Opens the save drawing as dialogue box |
| Save as |
S |
CTRL+V | PASTECLIP | Pastes data from clipboard to drawing |
CTRL+X | CUTCLIP | Removes select object from drawing to clipboard |
CTRL+Y | REDO | Performs the operation cancelled by UNDO |
CTRL+Z | UNDO | Undoes the last operation |
| Switches between open drawings |
| Switch up between layout tabs |
UP |
| Switch down between layout tabs |
| Recall last command |
UP/Down |
#X,Y | Location measured by distance from 0,0 in current UCS |
@X,Y | Location measured by distance from last point |
#distance<angle | Location measured by distance and angle from 0,0 in current UCS |
@distance<angl | Location measured by distance and angle from last point |
e |
.x or.y or .xy etc | Location by extracting and combining coordinate values from 2 or 3 points |
distance | Location direct from current position in direction of movement |
<angle | An angle override from current point |
CTRL+8 | QUICKCALC | Displays the calculator |
D | DIMSTYLE | Opens dimension style manager dialogue box |
DAL | DIMALIGNED | Aligned linear dimension line |
DAN | DIMANGULAR | Angular dimension line |
DAR | DIMARC | Arc length dimension |
DBA | DIMBASELINE | Ordinate dimension from baseline of previous dimension |
DCO | DIMCONTINUE | Ordinate dimension from 2nd extension line of previous |
| dimension |
DDI | DIMDIAMETER | Diameter dimension for circles and arcs |
DED | DIMEDIT | Edit dimension text on dimension objects |
DI | DIST | Check a distance |
DIMCENTER | DIMCENTER | Creates center mark |
DLI | DIMLINEAR | Linear dimension |
DOR | DIMORDINATE | Ordinate point dimension |
DOV | DIMOVERRIDE | Override dimension style |
DRA | DIMRADIUS | Radial dimension for circles and arcs |
ID | ID | Display the co-ordinate values of a point |
UN | UNITS | Opens drawing units dialogue box |
A | ARC | Draw an arc with 3 points |
B | BLOCK | Opens block dialogue box in order to make a block |
BO | BOUNDARY | Draw a boundary |
C | CIRCLE | Draw a circle |
DO | DONUT | Draw a solid donut shape |
DT | TEXT | Single line text |
DIV | DIVIDE | Inserts point node a set division |
EL | ELLIPSE | Draw an ellipse |
F | FILLET | Draw an arc between 2 intersecting lines |
G | GROUP | Opens object grouping dialogue |
H | HATCH | Opens hatch and gradient dialogue box |
L | LINE | Draw a line |
LE | QLEADER | Draw a leader line (may need to adjust settings) |
LEAD | LEADER | Leader line with annotation |
ML | MLINE | Draw multilines |
O | OFFSET | Offset an object by distance |
PL | PLINE | Draw a polyline - a complex line |
PO | POINT | Point marker or node - DDPTYPE to change pointstyle |
POL | POLYGON | Draw a regular polygon 3 to 1024 sides |
RAY | RAY | Construction line in one direction |
REC | RECTANG | Draw a rectangle |
REG | REGION | Region - for shading for example |
REVCLOUD | REVCLOUD | Revision cloud - note can select a polyline |
SPL | SPLINE | Spline or smooth curve along points |
T | MTEXT | Multi-line text |
WIPEOUT | WIPEOUT | Masks part of drawing for clarity |
XL | XLINE | Construction line of infinite length |
REFEDIT | REFEDIT | Edit an external reference in place |
XA | XATTACH | Opens select reference file dialogue for attaching Xref |
XB | XBIND | Opens Xbind dialogue - allows import only of symbols etc |
XC | XCLIP | Create a border in an xref to hide outside area |
XOPEN | XOPEN | Opens a selected xref in a new window |
XR | XREF | Opens Xref manager dialogue box |
AP | APPLOAD | Opens application load dialogue box |
BE | BEDIT | Opens the edit block definition dialogue box |
BH | BHATCH | Opens hatch and gradient dialogue box |
| Opens customise user interface dialogue |
D | DIMSTYLE | Opens dimension style manager dialogue box |
DC | ADCENTER | Opens designcenter |
DDPTYPE | DDPTYPE | Opens point style dialogue box |
LA | LAYER | Opens layer manager |
LT | DDLTYPE | Opens line type manager |
LTS | LTSCALE | Change the linetype scale |
LW | LWEIGHT | Opens line weight settings dialogue box |
MA | MATCHPROPERTIES | Match properties of an object |
OP | OPTIONS | Launches options dialogue box |
OS | DDOSNAP | Opens drafting settings object snap dialogue |
PR | DDCHPROP | Opens properties dialogue box |
SSM | SHEETSET | Opens sheet set manager palette |
ST | DDSTYLE | Opens text style dialogue box |
TP | TOOLPALETTES | Displays toolpalette |
TS | TABLESTYLE | Opens table style dialogue box |
F1 | HELP | Opens Autocad help |
F2 | TEXTSCR | Switches between text screen and graphic area |
F3 | OSNAP | Switches osnap on/off |
F5 or CTRL+E | ISOPLANE | Cycles through isoplanes |
F6 or CTRL+D | COORDS | Turns coordinate display on/off |
F7 or CTRL+G | GRID | Turns grid on/off |
F8 or CTRL+L | ORTHO | Turns ortho on/off |
F9 or CTRL+B | SNAP | Turns snap on/off |
F10 or CTRL+U | POLAR | Turns polar on/off |
F11 or | OSNAP TRACK | Turns object snap tracking on/off |
F12 | DYNMODE | Turns dynamic input on/off |
AA | AREA | Calculate the area |
DI | DIST | Calculate a distance and angle |
DDPTYPE | DDPTYPE | Opens point style dialogue box |
ID | ID | Display the co-ordinate values of a point |
LI or LS | LIST | Display information about objects in a text window |
MASSPROP | MASSPROP | Calculate the region/mass properties of a solid |
PR | PROPERTIES | Opens properties dialogue box |
WHOHAS | WHOHAS | Displays who has a drawing open |
XLIST | XLIST | Lists type/block name/layer name/color/linetype of a |
| nested object in a block or an xref |
LA | LAYER | Opens layer manager |
LAYCUR | LAYERCURRENT | Change objects to current layer |
LAYDEL | LAYERDELETE | Delete a layer by selecting object |
LAYFRZ | LAYERFREEZE | Freeze a layer by selecting object |
LAYISO | LAYERISOLATE | Isolates a layer by selecting object |
LAYLCK | LAYERLOCK | Lock a layer by selecting object |
LAYMCH | LAYERMATCH | Match properties of a layer |
LAYMRG | LAYERMERGE | Moves objects from first layer to second and deletes first |
LAYOFF | LAYEROFF | Switches a layer off |
LAYON | LAYERON | Switches all layers on except frozen layers |
LAYERP | LAYERPREVIOUS | Restores previous layer state |
LAYTHW | LAYTHW | Thaws all layers |
LAYWALK | LAYERWALK | Walk through layers |
LMAN | LMAN | Access Layer manager to save and restore layer states |
AL | ALIGN | Align an object with another |
AR | ARRAY | Make multiple copies of an object |
BR | BREAK | Break a line by defining 2 points |
CO or CP | COPY | Copy object |
COPYTOLAYE | COPYTOLAYER | Copy object from one layer to another |
R |
CHA | CHAMFER | Chamfer between 2 non-parallel lines |
E | ERASE | Erase selection |
EX | EXTEND | Extend a line to meet another |
F | FILLET | Draw an arc between 2 intersecting lines |
G | GROUP | Opens object grouping dialogue - use to copy or move |
LEN | LENGTHEN | Lengthen or shorten a line |
M | MOVE | Move an object |
MI | MIRROR | Mirror an object |
MOCORO | MOVE/COPY/ROTAT | Copy move and rotate an object with one command |
| E |
O | OFFSET | Offset an object by distance |
RO | ROTATE | Rotate an object |
S | STRETCH | Stretch an object |
SC | SCALE | Scale an object |
TR | TRIM | Trim objects |
X | EXPLODE | Explode single entity to component parts |
A | ADD | Adds each successive object, switches from remove |
ALL | ALL | All objects on thawed layers |
CP | CPOLYGON | Objects touching or enclosed by selection polygon |
C | CROSSING | Objects touched or enclosed by window - Move right to |
| left |
F | FENCE | Objects touch by single selection fence |
G | GROUP | Opens object grouping dialogue - use with copy/move/etc |
L | LAST | Most recently created visible object |
P | PREVIOUS | Most recent selection set |
R | REMOVE | Objects to remove from selection set |
SNAPANG | SNAPANGLE | Change the snap angle from default 0° |
W | WINDOW | Objects enclosed by window - Move left to right |
WP | WPOLYGON | Objects within a window polygon |
F3 | OSNAP | Switches osnap on/off |
F9 or CTRL+B | SNAP | Turns snap on/off |
F11 or | OSNAP TRACK | Turns object snap tracking on/off |
APP | APPARENT INT | Apparent intersection of 2 objects |
CEN | CENof | Snap to centre point |
DS | DDOSNAP | Opens drafting settings/object snap dialogue |
END | ENDPOINT | Snap to end of line etc |
EXT | EXTENSION | Extends lines beyond endpoint |
FRO | FROM | Snap to an offset distance from an object snap |
INS | INSERTION | Snap to insertion point of text or block |
INT | INTERSECTION | Snap to intersection of lines, circles, arcs |
MID | MIDPOINT | Snap to midpoint of line etc |
| Snap midpoint between two points |
NEA | NEAREST | Snap near to an object |
NOD | NODE | Snap to point node |
NON | NONE | Turns off object snap modes |
PAR | PARALLEL | Continues a line parallel to existing |
PER | PERPENDICULAR | Snap to perpendicular of line etc |
QUA | QUADRANT | Snap to quadrant of circle, arc, ellipse |
TAN | TANGENT | Snap to tangent of circle, arc, ellipse |
TK | TRACK | Locate points without drawing lines |
TT | TT | Temporary tracking point |
%%C | Ø | Diameter dimensioning symbol |
%%D | ° | Degrees symbol |
%%O | OVERSCORE | Toggles overscore mode on/off |
%%P | ± | Plus/minus symbol |
%%U | UNDERSCORE | Toggles underscore on/off |
| CAD_003 |
DT | DTEXT | Single line dynamic text - Justify/Align to fit within text |
| line |
ED | DDEDIT | Edit text |
FIND | FIND | Opens find and replace dialogue box |
JUSTIFYTEXT | JUSTIFYTEXT | Change the justification point without moving text |
MIRRTEXT | MIRRTEXT | Mirrtext 0 to turn off |
SCALETEXT | SCALETEXT | Scales text without moving the text insertion point |
SPELL | SPELLCHECK | Performs spellcheck - ALL checks all text in drawing |
ST | STYLE | Opens text style dialogue box |
T or MT | MTEXT | Multiline/paragraph text |
TCIRCLE | TCIRCLE | Places circle, slot, or rectangle around each selected text |
| object |
TEXT | DTEXT | Single line dynamic text |
TEXTFIT | TEXTFIT | Stretches/shrinks text by selecting new start and/or end |
| points |
TORIENT | TORIENT | Rotates text, mtext, and attribute definition objects |
WIPEOUT | WIPEOUT | Masks part of drawing for clarity |
3D | 3D | Command line 3D solid options |
BOX | BOX | Draw a cube |
CYLINDER | CYLINDER | Draw a cylinder |
DDUCS | DDUCS | Opens ucs dialogue |
DDUCSP | DDUCSP | Opens ucs dialogue at orthographic tab |
EXT | EXTRUDE | Extrude a face |
IN | INTERSECT | Intersect an object |
REV | REVOLVE | Revolves an object about an axis |
RR | RENDER | Open render dialogue box |
SE | SECTION | Section |
SL | SLICE | Slice a solid |
SU | SUBTRACT | Subtract selection from solid |
TOR | TORUS | Draw torus shape |
UC | DDUCS | Displays UCS manager dialogue box |
UCS | UCS | UCS command line options |
UNI | UNION | Union solids |
VPORTS | VPORTS | Opens viewport dialogue box |
WE | WEDGE | Draw a wedge |
OB | OBJECT | Align UCS with an object, first select UCS |
UC | DDUCS | Display UCS manager dialogue box |
UCS | UCS | Universal co-ordinate system options |
UCSICON | UCSICON | Change the UCS icon appearance |
W | WORLD | Return to the WCS |
| Cycle through viewports |
| Switch up between layout tabs |
UP |
| Switch down between layout tabs |
DV | DVIEW | Perspective view. |
MS | MSPACE | Switch to modelspace in a viewport |
MV | MVIEW | Make a viewport in paperspace |
PS | PSPACE | Switch to paperspace from viewport |
VPORTS | VPORTS | Opens viewports dialogue box |
-VPORTS | -VPORTS | Create a viewport using command line |
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